Location and History
This group started in earnest in 2004. Staff and students from both Mitchelton State High School and Mitchelton State School united to carry out revegetation and weed control activites as part of teaching of horticultural and environmental matters that weave through the various subjects taught at both schools. Both schools are situated close to two small rivulets that unite about Glen Retreat Rd (UBD Map page 138 ref. H6) This small creek then runs under Samford Road and behind the shops on the Western side of Blackwood St. and then joins Kedron Brook near Brookside park on the eastern side of Brookside shopping centre. The photograph (right) discloses the bushland setting being developed by the group. ActivitiesWeeding and revegetation activites have been conducted during school hours as part of the curiculum of the students from both schools. ContactContact Joanne Wainwright-Smith 35501131 for further information about the group.
The photograph (right) shows the entrance to the revegetation plot off Lockrose St.
CI 07/07/2008 |
CI 14/10/2011